Thursday, January 8, 2009


I do remember … I was setting here looking at my super, neat, new, flat screen monitor, which was a Birthday/Christmas gift from my brother this year. What a great, great gift.
Then I remembered one of the worst gifts I ever received for Christmas.
No, it wasn’t a sweater with Santa Claus on it. Nor was it a bunch of underwear.
There may have been worst gifts but the one I remember as the worst gift I received when I was a kid, was the SLINKY.
Yes, I still think that the SLINKY was one of the dumbest toys ever made. We lived in one story house so we didn’t have any place that had more then one step.
What fun, a Slinky and one step. WOW.
I know, I know, the SLINKY is one of the top, toy icons from the nineteen fifties, a dumb gift, toy. Yep, dumb toy.
Although the Slinky was invented in the late nineteen forties, the lame toy
came into it’s own in the early fifties. That was my good luck and I received a Slinky for Christmas one year.
My flat screen is a much better Christmas gift.
I do remember…

Saturday, January 3, 2009

I Do remember ...

Yes, I do remember yesterday and the many yesterdays before that.
I find that most people don't want to listen to my remembrance.
I maybe naive or arrogant to believe that others might want to glen some small amount of wisdom from my remembering.
I have done somethings correctly.
Others could learn from me but, ... they won't.
From time to time I'll put my thoughts and just lists of things I remember.
Things such as:
Listening to The Lone Ranger on radio.
Watching The Lone Ranger on TV for the first time. It was in a Tavern (beer joint) in Greenwood, Nebraska. The population was approximately two hundred and fifty people , dogs and cats at that time. I was around nine years old and my brother was about seven years old.
My brother and I sat at the bar to watch Tonto and his side kick, The Lone Ranger, foil the bad guys.
Oh yes, I didn't forget Silver and Scout.

This is a sample of things I remember.
Until next time, REMEMBER.